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Digital Learning Framework Planning Resources

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Digital Learning Planning

The Digital Learning Framework has been developed to assist schools in effectively embedding digital technologies into teaching and learning. It provides clarity for school leaders and education providers in how to create a shared vision for how technology can best meet the needs of all learners.

This website provides a range of resources to support schools in this process, including a dedicated video channel (below) and an interactive version of the Digital Learning Framework.

Additional resources include face to face seminars (accessed via your local Education Centre) and a Oide Technology in Education online course

Video 01

DLF Launch

Ciara O'Donnell, Director of the Professional Development Service for Teachers, delivers the opening address at the launch of the Digital Learning Framework in Croke Park, Dublin 26th October 2017.

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Video 02

DLF Launch

Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton T.D. delivers the closing address at the launch of the Digital Learning Framework in Croke Park, Dublin 26th October 2017.

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Video 03

Background & Context

Tony Weir, Senior Inspector in the DES, explains the policy context of the DLF and how it can be used by schools, groups of teachers, and individual teachers to improve their practice.

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Video 04

Constructivism & the DLF

Prof Deirdre Butler, DCU Institute of Education, outlines what digital learning could look like in the classroom.

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Video 05


The Digital Learning Framework has been developed to assist schools in effectively embedding digital technologies into teaching and learning.

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Video 06

Getting Started

In this clip, the staff of St Mary’s Convent NS discuss their reasons for getting involved with the Digital Learning Framework, the areas they will focus on in their digital learning planning, and what they hope to achieve.

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Video 07

Getting Started

The staff of Ratoath College discuss their reasons for getting involved with the Digital Learning Framework, the areas they will focus on in their digital learning planning, and what they hope to achieve.

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Video 08

Getting Started

The staff of Bray School Project discuss their reasons for getting involved with the Digital Learning Framework, the areas they will focus on in their digital learning planning, and what they hope to achieve.

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Video 09

Getting Started

In this clip, the staff of Gort Community School discuss their reasons for getting involved with the Digital Learning Framework...

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Video 10

Putting the Digital Learning Plan into Action: Gort Community School

In this clip, the staff of Gort Community School talk about the actions they took to implement their digital learning plan.

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Video 11

Evaluating the Digital Learning Plan: Gort Community School

In this clip, the Principal and staff of Gort Community School look back on their experience of developing and implementing their first digital learning plan.

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Video 12

Putting the Digital Learning Plan into Action: Bray School Project NS

In this clip, the staff of Bray School Project NS talk about the actions they took to implement their digital learning plan.

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Video 13

Evaluating the Digital Learning Plan: Bray School Project NS

In this clip, the Principal and staff of Bray School Project NS look back on their experience of developing and implementing their first digital learning plan.

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Video 14

Putting the Digital Learning Plan into Action: Ratoath College

In this clip, the staff of Ratoath College talk about the actions they took to implement their digital learning plan.

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Video 15

Evaluating the Digital Learning Plan: Ratoath College

In this clip, the Principal and staff of Ratoath College look back on their experience of developing and implementing their first digital learning plan.

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Video 16

Putting the Digital Learning Plan into Action: St Mary’s Convent NS

In this clip, the staff of St Mary’s Convent NS talk about the actions they took to implement their digital learning plan.

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Video 17

Evaluating the Digital Learning Plan: St Mary’s Convent NS

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Digital Learning Planning Cycle

The Digital Learning Planning Cycle consists of six steps. These steps provide a process for schools and individual teachers to engage in when reviewing and formulating a plan to enhance their DL practices.

The first three steps are the investigation phase while steps 4 to 6 focus on the creation, implementation and evaluation of the DL Plan.

For more information, click on each of the six steps in the Digital Planning cycle graphic.

Identify focus
Gather evidence
Analyse and make judgements
Write and
share report and
Put improvement and plan into action
Monitor actions and evaluate impact
Step 1

Identify focus

The school*should firstly familiarise itself with the DL Framework. Having reviewed the domains and standards, the school should identify the standard(s) on which it wishes to focus. It is not recommended that a school will focus on all 32 standards, but instead identify a sub-set that is relevant to the school.

*Though this document refers to schools, this cycle can be engaged in by an individual teacher, a group of teachers.
Step 2

Gather evidence

Having identified their digital learning focus, the school carefully considers the standards and statements of practice from their chosen area and commences the gathering of evidence which demonstrates the level the school is currently operating at. While the DL Framework has articulated what “effective” or “highly effective” practice might look like for each standard, the school may decide they are not yet operating at either of these levels. This judgement should be informed by the evidence gathered.

Evidence can be both quantitative and qualitative, gathered from a range of sources that includes teachers, students, parents, management, classrooms and other relevant sources.

Step 3

Analyse and make judgements

Having gathered data from a range of sources, the school analyses the information and benchmarks it against the statements of practice being evaluated.

Having collected all the necessary evidence, the school then draws conclusions and makes judgements in relation to how existing practices compare with the statements of effective and highly effective practice in the DL Framework. Schools should use these statements as a benchmark to judge their own performance and to determine their strengths and there are aspects of their work that need to be improved or developed.

Step 4

Write and Share Digital Learning Plan

Having analysed the data and made a series of judgements in relation to their digital learning practices, the school creates their DL Plan. The plan should provide the basis for discussion and reflection amongst teachers, management and others in relation to the role of digital technologies in the chosen focus area.

The Digital Learning Plan consists of two parts:

  • Part 1 articulates the vision for the use of digital learning technologies and outlines the current situation with regard to digital learning.
  • Part 2 describes how the DL practices will be improved over a specified time-period.
Step 5

Put improvement plan into action

Having created a DL Plan the school should begin implementing the identified actions. All relevant personnel should be aware of the actions that need to take place at individual teacher, class, subject department and whole-school level. These actions should become part of the normal teaching and learning process.

Step 6

Monitor actions and evaluate impact

The actions must be monitored on an ongoing basis to evaluate their impact on learning, teaching and assessment practices.

The school will need to decide:
• How monitoring will be organised and carried out
• Who will be responsible for monitoring13
• How progress will be determined and reported
• When and to whom progress will be reported (for example at staff
meeting, planning meetings, board meetings)
• If targets and actions are realistic or need to be changed.

The active engagement of school leaders and teachers in the ongoing and systematic monitoring of the DL Plan is essential. The evidence gathered, as a result of ongoing monitoring, should inform and influence the next phase of the DL Plan, or could lead to the identification of a new aspect of digital learning that the school focuses upon. Ultimately the goal for the school is to enhance their DL practices in all areas of school life and this should be an ongoing activity.